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Main Monthly Meeting

with... Andrew Cross

The Art of Systemized Wholesaling

Thursday, February 13, 2020 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Moore Norman Technology Center South Penn Campus
13301 S Penn Oklahoma City, OK 73170

This month we are excited to have Andrew Cross take the stage!  He is a local wholesaler, rehabber and Landlord investor. Andrew's former day job was being a contractor rehabbing houses now you couldn’t pay him enough money to get him to rehab a house for someone else! Just 7 years ago I met Andrew when he started his RE Investing journey with nothing and today has built it into his own empire. He began by wholesaling houses to build up the ability to rehab houses and then buy and hold them as a landlord.

In 3 short years, he accomplished it all and retired as a full-time Real Estate Investor. Today, 7 years later Andrew maintains and aggressively adds to his portfolio, but he has a passion for where he started and that was with Wholesaling! He has built a large wholesaling business that continues to bring in deals and cash! He is going to share with you his process and systems so that you can do exactly what he has done. He started out simple and learned the most effective ways to keep his wholesaling business turning out deals consistently.

Join us Thursday night for all the details to create and maintain a wholesaling business or to know how to wholesale just a few houses when you need extra cash! This is one meeting you don’t want to miss, this information would cost you tens of thousands of dollars to learn and trust me Andrew has paid that and more out in education over the last 7 years.

BONUS….Andrew is so fired up about helping people succeed that he has a special gift for everyone that attends on Thursday to help you organize and structure your leads but the trick is you have to show up!

So come out this coming Thursday, February 13, 2019, at 7:00 pm and join OKCREIA as we help you Build Your Success...One Deal at a Time!

Don't forget we are here to help you! As a group of local investors, our interest lies in building a support network to help us all grow our businesses. By staying plugged into the OKC REIA Network, everyone is working to help everyone else grow...but the key is you have to show up! And this month's meeting...just like every other meeting...is a meeting you do not want to miss! Between the incredible speakers, we bring in and the room full of active successful investors who are willing to talk to us and share their secrets to success, THIS IS THE PLACE YOU NEED TO BE TO BUILD YOUR REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT BUSINESS! 

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Date:  Thursday, February 13, 2020
Time:  6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Moore Norman Technology Center South Penn Campus
13301 S Penn
Oklahoma City, OK 73170

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Oklahoma City Real Estate Investors Association

Oklahoma City, OK 73112
(801) 608-7349

Proud Affiliate Member of Think Realty

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