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Monthly Training and Networking Meeting

with... Jack Klein

How to afford a full-time LIFE by Investing

Thursday, September 14, 2017 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Moore Norman Technology Center South Penn Campus
13301 S Penn Oklahoma City, OK 73170

Let me cut right to the chase...this is a meeting you can't afford to miss! Our guest speaker, Jack Klein, this month came to one of our Thursday Meetings for the first time just about 5 years ago at age 22. He had just quit his comfortable job as a correctional officer Woodward, OK and moved to OKC to buy houses….all because an inmate shared his own dream, some simple words and a book with Jack that changed his life and legacy forever!!

I still vividly recall meeting him, he was just getting started and was so excited and fired up to buy houses and he just knew that this was going to change his future!! He had no expertise or lots of money or even anyone he knew that was successful in Real Estate, just belief that this was what he had been looking for and he had now found a room full of people doing exactly what he wanted to do!!! His energy was completely motivating then and now it is through the roof….I knew then he would not give up until he succeeded! Fast Forward 5 years to today and he has had a remarkable journey doing more wholesale deals than he can count and now buying rental houses, but not without lots of hurdles and challenges to overcome.
Why do you need to hear Jack…what can he do for you??...he is going to share with you how on his journey he learned the most valuable business and life lessons at the lowest points of his life. It was during these times of his trials and challenges that he learned how to take that pain and make a decision that he was never going to be broke again, to never give up and to go out and do something to change his life by building his real estate business….how did he do it??? He is going to share with you exactly how he has accomplished so much in such a short period of time and everything he has learned along the way including how he gets creative to find deals and make turns them into a profit!!...and how you can do exactly the same thing. Keep in mind Jack has done all of this with NO JOB!
He is going to share with you what it takes to make a decision and the absolute key things you have to have to do to make that decision a reality and change your life!!  When Jack decides to do something and makes a decision, not even a freight train can slow him down and his goal Thursday is to do just that for you…show you how YES YOU CAN do it too. I promise this is one meeting you don’t want to miss!!

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Date:  Thursday, September 14, 2017
Time:  6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Moore Norman Technology Center South Penn Campus
13301 S Penn
Oklahoma City, OK 73170

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Oklahoma City Real Estate Investors Association

Oklahoma City, OK 73112
(801) 608-7349

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